Mini Mindfulness Break for February 28, 2021

Copyright © 1996-2018, Jerome Freedman, Ph. D., All Rights Reserved
Dear *[FNAME]*:
“We say we want to strike against terror, we want to destroy terrorism, but do we even know where to find it? Can we locate it with a radar? Can the army find terrorism using its night goggles and heat sensors?
Misunderstanding, fear, anger, and hatred are the roots of terrorism. They cannot be located by the military. Bombs and missiles cannot reach them, let alone destroy them, for terrorism lies in the hearts of human beings. To uproot terror, we need to begin by looking at our own hearts. We don’t need to destroy each other, either physically or psychologically. Only by calming our minds and looking deeply inside ourselves will we develop the insight to identify the roots of terrorism. With compassion and communication, terrorism can be uprooted and transformed into love.”As we cultivate the seeds of joy and transform the seeds of suffering in ourselves, understanding, peace, love and compassion will flower.

– Thich Nhat Hanh

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May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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