Mini Mindfulness Break for March 19, 2023

Dear Friends:
“The path to happiness and a sense of well-being in this very life lies not in avoiding suffering but in using the conscious, embodied, direct experience of it as a vehicle to gain deep insight into the true nature of life and your own existence. Instead of being a reactionary slave to the inevitable pain, frustration, stress, and sorrow in your life, which the Buddha called ‘dukkha’, you can free your mind such that you have a sense of well-being even when dukkha is present, and you create the possibility of finding compete freedom. Why not dance with the constant vicissitudes of life in a manner that is joyful and liberated, rather than feeling like a victim or being flooded with fear and stress?”

– Phillip Moffitt, “Dancing With Life”

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Mindfulness Personal Training

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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