Mini Mindfulness Break for October 12, 2021

Dear *[FNAME]*:
Resisting what we can’t control removes us from reality, rendering our emotions, circumstances and loved ones inaccessible. The result is a terrible emptiness, which we usually blame on our failure to get what we want. Actually, it comes from refusing to accept what we have.

– Martha Beck, Victory By Surrender

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Healing Cancer with Your Mind

Healing Cancer with Your Mind

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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Dear *[FNAME]*:
To feel is a verb; it is something that happens. We all feel. Emotion is a noun, a thing. To feel is beautiful, belonging to both the animal and human condition. When we allow feelings to harden and coalesce into emotions, which we transport like overburdened slaves, we deny ourselves life’s freshness, it’s ever present potential for renewal and transformation.

– B.K.S. Iyengar, Daily Peace Quote

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Cosmology and Buddhist…

Cosmology and Buddhist...

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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Dear *[FNAME]*:
Find the Feeling

Buddhanature and the natural state are not just made up of happy, sweet emotions; buddhanature includes everything. It’s the calm, and the disturbed, and the roiled up, and the still; it’s the bitter and the sweet, the comfortable and the uncomfortable. Buddhanature includes opening to all of these things, and it’s found in the midst of all of them.

– Pema Chodron, “Meditating with Emotions”

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Enneagram Instrument

Enneagram Instrument

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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Dear *[FNAME]*:

For example, I may not know under what heading to put the emotion of worry. Under the old definition, worry might be considered good. Let us use our yardstick to see if worry goes under love. Do I tense or do I remain relaxed when I worry? I get tense. Worry comes under the heading of hate. Is it good or bad to feel sorry for a sick person? When I feel sorry for a person do I feel tense or do I stay relaxed? I stay relaxed, therefore sorrow comes under the heading of love.

– Father Eli, The Second Book of Widsom

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Achieve Goals Guided Meditation

Achieve Goals Guided Meditation

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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Dear *[FNAME]*:
Wise Emotion

We find the antidotes to our most painful states of mind by leaning directly into the emotion itself. Our emotions are full of wisdom. They are the keys for deepening our practice and our relationships with our world.

– Judith Simmer-Brown, “Transforming the Green-Ey’d Monster”

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Know Your Type! Awaken Your Potential!

Know Your Type! Awaken Your Potential!

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

Mini Mindfulness Break for August 07, 2020

“Most people nowadays would not consider
love as related in any way to truth. Love is seen as an experience associated with the world of fleeting emotions, no longer with truth. But is this an adequate description of love? Love cannot be reduced to an ephemeral emotion. True, it engages our affectivity, but in order to open it to the beloved and thus to blaze a trail leading away from self-centeredness and towards another person, in order to build a lasting relationship; love aims at union with the beloved. Here we begin to see how love requires truth. Only to the extent that love is grounded in truth can it endure over time, can it transcend the passing moment and be sufficiently solid to sustain a shared journey. If love is not tied to truth, it falls prey to fickle emotions and cannot stand the test of time. True love, on the other hand, unifies all the elements of our person and becomes a new light pointing the way to a great and fulfilled life. Without truth, love is incapable of establishing a firm bond; it cannot liberate our isolated ego or redeem it from the fleeting moment in order to create life
and bear fruit.”

– Pope Francis

Click here to learn how you can receive a 30 minute Mindfulness Break in your home.

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD


Mini Mindfulness Break for October 13, 2019

Letting Go and Reaching Out

If we’re able to catch an angry thought as it’s budding, we can let it go. The same is true of despair or hopelessness. And when letting go is too difficult, a good medicine for dealing with these emotions is to reach out and help others, healing them and ourselves.

– John Daido Loori Roshi, “Between Two Mountains”

Click here to learn how you can receive a 30 minute Mindfulness Break in your home.

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD


Mini Mindfulness Break for July 19, 2019

“Life is full of ups and downs, and our emotions are our signposts. We mustn’t hide them away, therefore, especially if we would like to understand such difficult emotions as anger or jealousy, and work with ourselves to experience these negative states less often. We need to make friends with all our emotions, both positive and negative, so we can begin to see where they come from or how they are triggered.”

– His Holiness the Gyalwang Drukpa, Dzogchen Center

Click here to learn how you can receive a 30 minute Mindfulness Break in your home.

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD


Mini Mindfulness Break for January 04, 2019

Present to Rage

Meditation is recommended here not as a way to eradicate our rage but as a way to become fully present to its energies. When you become uncomfortable or frightened, remember that difficult emotions are your most profound teachers. The more we can witness our experiences without judgment, the less suffering we will experience in our lives.

– Ruth King, “Soothing the Hot Coals of Rage”

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD


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