Dear *[FNAME]*: |
Giving Without Regret
Buddhism praises the value of generosity but warns that you shouldn’t give something away if you’re likely to be upset later and regret giving it away. Similarly, although it’s good to help others, we shouldn’t agree to do something for another person if it will likely lead us to feel exhausted, resentful, and angry at the other person. Each of us has to judge our own capacities and set our boundaries accordingly. – Lorne Ladner, “Taking a Stand” |
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May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering! All my best, |
Dear *[FNAME]*: |
Live Lightly
We have to cultivate contentment with what we have. We really don’t need much. When you know this, the mind settles down. Cultivate generosity. Delight in giving. Learn to live lightly. In this way, we can begin to transform what is negative into what is positive. This is how we start to grow up. – Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo, “No Excuses” |
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Know Your Type! Awaken Your Potential! |
May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering! All my best, |
Dear *[FNAME]*: |
Inexhaustible Dharma
Some people think by giving everything away, you end up with nothing. But the Dharma is an inexhaustible well. However much you give of it, you can always go back for more, because in this well the more you take from it, the higher the water will rise. – Master Sheng Yen, “Rich Generosity” |
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Cosmology and Buddhist… |
May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering! All my best, |
Dear *[FNAME]*: |
Generosity Goes Beyond Gifts
An act of giving is of most benefit when one gives something of value, carefully, with one’s own hand, while showing respect, and with a view that something wholesome will come of it. – Andrew Olendzki, “The Wisdom of Giving” |
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Healing with the Seven Principles of Mindfulness in Healing |
May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering! All my best, |
Dear *[FNAME]*: |
Use Compassion to Protect Yourself
Use compassion, not anger, to motivate you to protect yourself, and [have] compassion toward the person who’s giving you the trouble. Compassion rather than hate is what helps. – Gelek Rinpoche, “What to Do When the Anger Gets Hot” |
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Reduce Symptoms Guided Meditation |
May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering! All my best, |
Dear *[FNAME]*: |
What is important… is not the right doctrine but the attainment of the true experience. It is giving up believing in belief.
– Alan Keightley, Daily Peace Quote |
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May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering! All my best, |
Dear *[FNAME]*: |
I began to really live life when I began to look at every situation and think about how I could be of service in that situation. I learned that I shouldn’t be pushy about helping, but just willing. Often I could give a helping hand–or perhaps a loving smile or a word of cheer. I learned it is through giving that we receive the worthwhile things of life.
– Peace Pilgrim |
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May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering! All my best, |
We give because it feels good and we want to feel good. Of course, there can be “giving from ego,” which is designed to “give in order to get,” but that’s not what we’re talking about. In the same way that we can’t “cleverly use kindness” when identified with ego, we can’t have the heart-felt feeling good that giving from the Heart is. It’s simply not possible.
– Cheri Huber, Daily Peace Quote Click here to learn how you can receive a 30 minute Mindfulness Break in your home. |
May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering! All my best,
Mini Mindfulness Break for May 21, 2020
The Joy of Giving
Through generosity, we cultivate a generous spirit. Generosity of spirit will usually lead to generosity of action, but being a generous person is more important than any particular act of giving. After all, it is possible to give without its being a generous act. – Gil Fronsdal, “The Joy of Giving” Click here to learn how you can receive a 30 minute Mindfulness Break in your home. |
May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering! All my best,
Mini Mindfulness Break for May 12, 2020
“As an experiment in radical self-compassion, you could give yourself permission to not-know, for now, without any shame, judgment, or pressure to urgently find answers or to resolve the mystery. But to rest and to trust in the unfolding of the human heart. This embodied not-knowing is not passive or a resigned giving up, but alive, fiery, curious, and honoring of the dark as well as the light. There is profound wisdom and creativity in the core of not-knowing, in slowness, and in rest, but we must retrain ourselves to receive that level of revelation. In this reception, we see that not-knowing is a perfectly valid, honorable, and authentic place to be, and not in need of transformation. It is a pure expression of life, in and of itself, exactly as it is. Its value is not in its transcendence, but in its full-spectrum embrace.”
– Matt Licata, Your Inner Pilot Light Click here to learn how you can receive a 30 minute Mindfulness Break in your home. |
May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering! All my best,