Mini Mindfulness Break for July 01, 2021

Dear *[FNAME]*:
A Child’s View of Buddha

I think Buddha is light. In this light is a triangle of all-colored light, and inside the light is a human-animal-sea-creature-bird-Being.

– Caroline Kornfield, “Children Talking about ‘Buddha’ “

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Guided meditation Bundle

Guided meditation Bundle

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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Dear *[FNAME]*:
The Mind’s Shimmering Reflection

Mind is thus neither the source of light, like a shining sun, nor the reflected light of something greater, like the moon, but a shimmering pool of contingent potential, capable of reflecting sun, moon, and any other object that happens to dance upon its surface.

– Andrew Olendzki, “Mind Like A Mirror”

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9 Minute Meditation

9 Minute Meditation

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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Dear *[FNAME]*:
Dear One,
I have good news and bad news.
However you’re feeling right now, this too shall pass.
In fact, if you let yourself purely feel the emotion without complicating it with language, whatever you feel will most likely end in about ninety seconds.
If you’re sad, it’s fleeting. (Phew!)
If you’re blissed out, it won’t last either. (Bummer.) If you’re enraged, it will move through you. (Grrrrr.)
If you’re bursting with obsessively romantic fervor, the crush will fade. (Sigh . . .)
Find comfort in this, darling. States are fleeting, but it’s possible to have a deeper level of joy that is not dependent on transient states. When you’re not grasping for feelings you like and resisting feelings you don’t like, you’re more likely to find gratitude in the moment for whatever experience of human emotion you’re blessed to feel right now.
Don’t like how you feel in this present moment?
Don’t worry. I’m here with you every ninety seconds.
Nothing lasts but me,
Your Inner Pilot Light

– Lissa Rankin, MD, Your Inner Pilot Light

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Sound Sleep Guided Meditation

Sound Sleep Guided Meditation

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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Dear *[FNAME]*:
Your heart is a compass in a chaotic world. Follow it. Resist anything that looks reeeally good, but feels reeeally bad. Be brave enough to turn away from shiny objects, and toward the light that makes them shine.

– Martha Beck, The Last Temptation of…You

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Mindfulness Breaks

Mindfulness Breaks

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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Dear *[FNAME]*:
“The outer spaces [simply] represent the beginning of our journey home. The light of the Divine is dim at first, and her voice is faint. But both the radiance and the God song increase in clarity and volume the closer we come to the center.”

– Mirabai Starr

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Healing Cancer with Your Mind

Healing Cancer with Your Mind

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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How Prayer Works

To understand how prayer works, consider the sun, which shines everywhere without hesitation or hindrance. Like God or Buddha, it continuously radiates all its power, warmth, and light without differentiation. When the earth turns, it appears to us that the sun no longer shines. But that has nothing to do with the sun; it’s due to our own position on the shadow side of the earth. If we inhabit a deep, dark mine shaft, it’s not the sun’s fault that we feel cold. Or if we live on the earth’s surface but keep our eyes closed, it’s not the sun’s fault that we don’t see light. The sun’s blessings are all-pervasive, whether we are open to them or not. Through prayer, we come out of the mine shaft, open our eyes, become receptive to enlightened presence, the omnipotent love and compassion that exist for all beings.

– Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche, “Prayer”

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Weight Loss Guided Meditation

Weight Loss Guided Meditation

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

Mini Mindfulness Break for September 05, 2020

The Light of Reality

The sense of self creates a feeling of solidity, like the apparent solidity of the clouds veiling the face of the sun, but at certain moments a gap is opened up, through which we may receive a glimpse of the light of reality.

– Francesca Freemantle, “The Luminous Gap in Bardo”

Click here to learn how you can receive a 30 minute Mindfulness Break in your home.

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD


Mini Mindfulness Break for August 14, 2020

If you light a lamp for someone, it will brighten your path.

– Buddha

Click here to learn how you can receive a 30 minute Mindfulness Break in your home.

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD


Mini Mindfulness Break for August 07, 2020

“Most people nowadays would not consider
love as related in any way to truth. Love is seen as an experience associated with the world of fleeting emotions, no longer with truth. But is this an adequate description of love? Love cannot be reduced to an ephemeral emotion. True, it engages our affectivity, but in order to open it to the beloved and thus to blaze a trail leading away from self-centeredness and towards another person, in order to build a lasting relationship; love aims at union with the beloved. Here we begin to see how love requires truth. Only to the extent that love is grounded in truth can it endure over time, can it transcend the passing moment and be sufficiently solid to sustain a shared journey. If love is not tied to truth, it falls prey to fickle emotions and cannot stand the test of time. True love, on the other hand, unifies all the elements of our person and becomes a new light pointing the way to a great and fulfilled life. Without truth, love is incapable of establishing a firm bond; it cannot liberate our isolated ego or redeem it from the fleeting moment in order to create life
and bear fruit.”

– Pope Francis

Click here to learn how you can receive a 30 minute Mindfulness Break in your home.

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD


Mini Mindfulness Break for July 18, 2020

How can I know anything about the past or the future, when the light of the Beloved shines only Now.

– Jalaluddin Rumi

Click here to learn how you can receive a 30 minute Mindfulness Break in your home.

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD


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