Mini Mindfulness Break for April 05, 2023

Dear Friends:
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The voices of egocentric karmic conditioning/self-hate want us to hear ourselves saying something like “I feel so bad about…” and feel bad! “Oh, what’s wrong with me?!” But seeing it opens up a whole realm of possibilities in which we can explore what’s behind that “feeling bad.” If we unconsciously do something that hurts someone, we can apologize and we can make a commitment to get to the bottom of that process. Again, ego-identity would have us say a glib “sorry” and go on our way. But when we’re present and realize it hurts our heart when we’re unconscious and do something hurtful, we vow to make the behavior changes that keep us conscious.

– Cheri Huber

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Mindfulness Personal Training

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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