Words of Wisdom for April 11, 2024

Dear Friends:
We have to grasp what we’re doing here; we have to grasp the magnitude of this outrageous thing we’re taking on. We are ending suffering. Hardly anyone born will do that. Most people will never even know it’s possible. But we do. We know it’s possible AND, most extraordinary of all, we have a practice, a process for doing it.

– Cheri Huber

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Here’s an interesting post from Meditation Practices:
Gratitude Meditaiton
Breathing in, I feel gratitude Breathing out, I feel generous Breathing in, I smile Breathing out, I am home. This one, like all, begins with awareness of breath. In. Out. Awareness of breathing = awareness of being alive. Right now I feel so grateful to be alive.  No need to p …

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May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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