Words of Wisdom for September 01, 2023

Dear Friends:
Reconnect with Interconnection

There is a truth to our lived experience, to our births, to our deaths, to our existence in separate bodies. But that doesn’t deny that we are interconnected, that we all originated from the same point.

– Sebene Selassie, “Mindfulness of the Four Elements: Reconnecting with the World”

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Here’s an interesting post from Meditation Practices:
Why Everything I Thought I Knew about Gratitude Is Wrong – Purpose Fairy
Why Everything I Thought I Knew about Gratitude Is Wrong? Well, I’ve actually come to see that everything we think about gratitude can actually do us harm. Source: Why Everything I Thought I Knew about Gratitude Is Wrong – Purpose Fairy

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May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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