Mini Mindfulness Break for March 03, 2020

“I have found that among its other
benefits, giving liberates the
soul of the giver.”

– Maya Angelou, Dzogchen Center

Click here to learn how you can receive a 30 minute Mindfulness Break in your home.

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD


Mini Mindfulness Break for February 24, 2020

As If There is Nothing to Lose

Gratitude, the simple and profound feeling of being thankful, is the foundation of all generosity. I am generous when I believe that right now, right here, in this form and this place, I am myself being given what I need. Generosity requires that we relinquish something, and this is impossible if we are not glad for what we have. Otherwise the giving hand closes into a fist and won’t let go.

– Sallie Jiko Tisdale, “As If There is Nothing to Lose”

Click here to learn how you can receive a 30 minute Mindfulness Break in your home.

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD


Mini Mindfulness Break for January 10, 2020

A Guide to Generosity

Two important things about true giving: First, it requires some sacrifice on the part of the giver. To give away something that one doesn’t need is not dana. Second, the act must not be condescending but must show respect to the one who receives the gift. In fact, one is grateful to the recipient who makes the act of giving possible.

– Taitetsu Unno, “Three Grapefruits”

Click here to learn how you can receive a 30 minute Mindfulness Break in your home.

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD


Mini Mindfulness Break for October 28, 2019

The Gift of Compassion

True dana is about giving with no expectation of return. One who receives a gift of compassion is promised nothing more than the emotional boost of knowing good has been done. But as we groan under the weight of our possessions, that in itself can be a priceless gift. Altruism is a proven tonic.

– Joan Duncan Oliver, “Gifts that Keep Giving”

Click here to learn how you can receive a 30 minute Mindfulness Break in your home.

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD


Mini Mindfulness Break for October 19, 2019

Dear Mother, wherever there is soil, water, rock or air, you are there, nourishing me and giving me life. You are present in every cell of my body… You are more than just my environment. You are nothing less than myself…I promise to be aware that your health and well-being is my own health and well-being. I know I need to keep this awareness alive in me for us both to be peaceful, happy, healthy, and strong.

– Thich Nhat Hanh, Love Letter to the Earth

Click here to learn how you can receive a 30 minute Mindfulness Break in your home.

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD


Mini Mindfulness Break for August 11, 2019

On Not Elevating Oneself

One of the worst kinds of elevation of the self is playing the victim. There are times when we actually are victims, when actual blame is appropriate, but to take on the identity of a victim and be stuck blaming is something else. Surprisingly, it is actually a subtle form of elevation–I’m not responsible, you are. This is giving up all freedom. I think the reason that remarkable stories of forgiveness take our breath away is that we instantly feel the liberation in the lifting of boundaries, the end of separation, of ‘inside’ and ‘outside.’

– Nancy Baker, “The Seventh Zen Precept”

Click here to learn how you can receive a 30 minute Mindfulness Break in your home.

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD


Mini Mindfulness Break for July 28, 2019

Dharma Practice in a Gift

How does gift-giving provide an opportunity for practice?… [It] is a way of acknowledging our responsibility for one another and the earth.

– Joan Duncan Oliver, “Gifts That Keep Giving”

Click here to learn how you can receive a 30 minute Mindfulness Break in your home.

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD


Mini Mindfulness Break for June 02, 2019

I love you when you’re juicy, full of aliveness, and feeling the buzzing energy of calm excitement in your body.
I love you when you feel numb, depressed, and empty.
I love you when you’re dancing on tiptoe, spinning with ecstasy and feeling grateful for the gift of being alive.
I love when you’re too exhausted to care for yourself, much less anyone else.
I love you when you’re smack dab in the center of your life purpose, feeling the deep joy of knowing you’re giving your gifts to the world.
I love you when you’re in the space between stories, you don’t know why you’re here, and you feel lost, rudderless, and desperate to find your calling.
Honestly, darling, I don’t have a preference. Others might say it, but I really mean it. I love you just the way you are. (Cue Billy Joel . . . doo wa doo wa.)
For better or for worse

– Lissa Rankin, MD, Your Inner Pilot Light

Click here to learn how you can receive a 30 minute Mindfulness Break in your home.

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD


Mini Mindfulness Break for April 15, 2019

Life is what we are. The dropping into the spaciousness that we experience when we let go of the conversation in conditioned mind is how we experience Life living us. Everyone who gets this, gets the gift of a lifetime! The authentic “gift that keeps on giving.”

– Cheri Huber

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD


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