Mini Mindfulness Break for July 06, 2021

Dear *[FNAME]*:
This is why

This fear
This anger
This pain
This despair

This is why

This longing
This darkness
These cries
This world flooded with an ocean of fear

This is why

This is why the buddha came back
This is why I follow

– Margit Romang

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Sound Sleep Guided Meditation

Sound Sleep Guided Meditation

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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Dear *[FNAME]*:
Testing the Truth

So what is the test of truth? The Buddha offers a simple formula: Test things in terms of cause and effect. Whatever is unskillful, leading to harm and ill, should be abandoned; whatever is skillful, leading to happiness and peace, should be pursued.

– Larry Rosenberg, “The Right to Ask Questions “

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Seven Secrets to Stop Stop Interruptions in Meditation

Seven Secrets to Stop Stop Interruptions in Meditation

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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Dear *[FNAME]*:
A Child’s View of Buddha

I think Buddha is light. In this light is a triangle of all-colored light, and inside the light is a human-animal-sea-creature-bird-Being.

– Caroline Kornfield, “Children Talking about ‘Buddha’ “

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Guided meditation Bundle

Guided meditation Bundle

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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Dear *[FNAME]*:
The sun and the moon are reflected in clear, still water instantly.

Similarly, the blessings of all the buddhas are always present

for those who have complete confidence in them.

The sun’s rays fall everywhere uniformly,

but only where they are focused through a magnifying glass can they set dry grass on fire.

When the all-pervading rays of the Buddha’s compassion are focused through the magnifying glass

of your faith and devotion, the flame of blessings blazes up in your being.

– Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

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9 Minute Meditation

9 Minute Meditation

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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Dear *[FNAME]*:
“Hostilities aren’t stilled through hostility, regardless. Hostilities are stilled through non-hostility: this, an unending truth.”

– Buddha, “September 11: Practice and Perspectives”

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Mindfulness Breaks

Mindfulness Breaks

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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Dear *[FNAME]*:
Engaging Others’ Views

Listen without arguing, and try to hear what the other is really saying, remembering that, as Buddha pointed out, all beings wish to be happy and avoid suffering. A Buddhist practices nonattachment to views. If we human beings are going to stick around on this earth, we need to learn to get along not just with the people who share our views, but also, and more to the point, with the people who get our goat. And remember–we get their goat, too.

– Susan Moon, “Ten Practices to Change the World”

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Healing with the Seven Principles of Mindfulness in Healing

Healing with the Seven Principles of Mindfulness in Healing

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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Dear *[FNAME]*:
What the Buddha Never Said

When the Buddha speaks, it is said, he always intends his words to lead to the welfare and happiness of the hearers. But his words are not always tied to the theme of “suffering and its cessation.” To insist on confining them to this topic is to drastically narrow the range of the dharma.

– Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi, “‘I Teach Only Suffering and the End of Suffering'”

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Anger Control Guided Meditation

Anger Control Guided Meditation

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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Dear *[FNAME]*:
This water’s shape is round or square according to the container that holds it.
In the spring warmth, it is liquid; in the winter cold, it is solid.
When its path is open, it flows.
When its path is obstructed, it stands quiet.
How vast it is, yet its source is so small it is difficult to find.
How wonderful it is in its streams, which flow endlessly.
In the jade rivulets, the footprints of dragons remain.
In the deep pond, water holds the bright halo of the autumn moon.
On the tip of the king’s pen, water becomes the compassion of clemency.
On the willow branch, it becomes the clear fresh balm of compassion.Only one drop of the water of compassion is needed and the Ten Directions are all purified.
“Verses of Consecration” from “Chanting of the Heart” by Thich Nhat Hanh

“There is a wrong understanding of Mindfulness-they may believe that mindfulness in an instrument that can help business men get more money and the military to kill better. That is why if you have not seen the seven other elements in the path of Mindfulness, you have not seen Mindfulness, and that is not Right Mindfulness.” The other seven that he
was referring to (as shown on the white board): Right View, Right Thinking, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Concentration, and Right Diligence. “In the Buddha’s lifetime, he taught about the Five Precepts (ways of living) which grew out of this 8-Fold Path. And out of his Teaching, you can live happily in the Here and the Now if you practice these 5 Mindful Trainings (Precepts).

“We have seen that one person can bring liberation and healing to thousands, even millions of people. Each one of us, whether a factory worker, a politician, a waitress, businessperson, an entertainer, or a father coaching a soccer game, shares this deep desire. But it is important to remember that to realize this wonderful ambition we must first take care of ourselves. To bring happiness to others, we must be happiness. And this is why we always train ourselves to first take care of our own bodies and minds. Only when we are solid can we be our best and take good care of our loved ones.”
Thich Nhat Hanh, The Art of Power

I have noticed that people are dealing too much with the negative, with what is wrong. They do not touch enough on what is not wrong. . . . Why not try the other way, to look into the patient and to see positive things, to just touch those things and make them bloom?

– Thich Nhat Hanh, “Interbeing with Thich Nhat Hanh: An Interview”

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Weight Loss Guided Meditation

Weight Loss Guided Meditation

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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Dear *[FNAME]*:
The Happiest Mind

The Buddha discovered that the happiest mind is the nonattached one. This happiness is of a radically different order than what we’re used to.

– Cynthia Thatcher, “What’s So Great About Now? “

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Cosmology and Buddhist…

Cosmology and Buddhist...

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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Copyright © 1996-2018, Jerome Freedman, Ph. D., All Rights Reserved
Dear *[FNAME]*:
How to Surrender

In the Shin Buddhist tradition, as we listen to the teaching we are made to realize that we can never surrender ourselves. Resistance comes from the deepest center of our karmic selves. That’s why the Buddha Amida’s compassion says, “Tai, you don’t have to surrender.” When I hear that, when I understand that I can’t do it because it’s not my nature–that it’s like saying, “Fly to the sky”–then I realize that I don’t have to surrender, yet, naturally and spontaneously, the surrender takes place by virtue of true compassion.

– Taitetsu Unno, “Even Dewdrops Fall: An Interview with Taitetsu Unno”

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Mindfulness Breaks

Mindfulness Breaks

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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